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Screen_Shot_2019-05-15_at_7.50.54_PM.png Move Along Path positions a layer along a pre-defined path.

Move Along Path positions a layer on the path of the layer immediately beneath it. A path can be a vector drawing or the outline of any other visual layer. 


Move Along Path has the following settings:

Progress defines where the layer appears on the path as a percentage of the way from the start of the path to the end. Animating this value will move the layer along the path.

Orientation is the angle of the layer on the path relative to its original orientation.

Tangent is used to make the layer on the path will appear to orient itself with the path as the value of Progress changes. When Tangent is On, the layer on the path will be rotated -90 degrees plus the angle of the current point on the path in addition to any angle set with Orientation. When Tangent is Off, the angle of the layer on the path will always be that set with Orientation.

Inset/Outset displaces the layer on the path relative to the path. On an open path, when facing towards the end of the path, positive values displace the layer on the path to the left, while negative values displace the layer to the right from any given point on the path. With closed paths, the layer on the path will be displaced either inside or outside the path.

Offset displaces the layer on the path horizontally and/or vertically from the path. 





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